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Oxshar Axtarishlar
/ɔ:/ vs /əʊ/ | From Sounds To Spelling 🤯 #englishquiz #englishpronunciation #englishsounds
/a:/ vs. /ɔ:/👉 What's the difference? 🤔💬 You ask, I answer! @john lie #shorts #englishpronunciation
The French vowels /o/ and /ɔ/
British English Pronunciation Practice: Long /ɔ:/ Vowel Explored - British English Podcast
/ɔʊ/ as in no
English Vowel Sounds "aw" /ɔ/ vs. "uh" /ʌ/ -- Test your listening!
30-Day American Phonetic Challenge | Day 14: Sounds /ʌ/, /æ/, /e/, /ɪ/, /i:/, /ɑ:/ & /ɔ:/
Vowel Sounds: short ɒ & long ɔ: | English pronunciation
Master these sounds — ʌ u ʊ #americanenglishpronunciation
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