If you can’t do lunges. Do this instead!! #shorts

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If you can’t do lunges. Do this instead!! #shorts videosu mp4 ve mp3 yuklemek ucun hazirdir

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Oxshar Axtarishlar

If you can’t do lunges. Do this instead!! #shorts

Don’t Start With Lunges! Start with Seated Alternating Heel Pushes! #shorts

Can’t do Hard Legs Exercises? Do These! #Shorts

Are lunges too hard? Try this! #shorts

Deficit Reverse Lunges For Glutes

Instead of doing LUNGES, TRY these instead for a change! Seated Leg Lifts & Donkey Kicks 🔥 #shorts

Can't Do Squats or Lunges? No problem! I give modifications for all fitness levels in my workouts!

Knees Hurt with Lunges? Do These Instead! #shorts

Lunge tip ✅

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